Fascinating Facts About Pyjamas Most People Don’t Know

They’re cool. They’re comfortable. Depending on your taste, they might be extremely fashionable as well. But what if we were to tell you that pyjamas are also kind of mysterious, for not many know much about them.When one is searching for a night dress online, the appeal of pyjamas for both men and women is quite hard to resist. This is the norm not just in India but around the world, too. Pyjamas are essentially considered a part of sleepwear. But there are other varied occasions to wear culturally- influenced variations of the traditional pyjama in different countries and regions. Take the example of India. In our country, ‘kurta pyjamas’ is considered to be the staple attire when it comes to festive occasions, especially in the north. Slip them on, slip them off, stay relaxed – the utility of a pair of pyjamas is hard to deny. But where do they come from? When were they first worn? Prepare to be surprised with the following five facts about pyjamas which most people don’t know:
1.       What’s in the name?

The word ‘pyjamas’ (also known as pajamas) can trace back its origins to the Hindi word ‘payjama’ which is in turn borrowed from the Persian word ‘pyejamah’. This word originated in the 1800s and literally means ‘leg garment’. Thus, one can say that pyjamas, or ‘loose drawstring trousers’ worn by Indian Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs in that era spread from the Indian subcontinent to the rest of the world by the British and other European colonists. Some evidence also suggests the existence of pyjama-like cotton pants in 17 th  century Portugal.

2.       More than just sleepwear
Over time, pyjamas have come to be used beyond bed-time. Fashion designer Paul Poiret amazed the world in the 1900s with his silk pyjama creation meant to be flaunted in public in daytime. Similarly, many cultures and countries which adopted the pyjamas consider it socially acceptable to wear them in daylight, such as in Japan where people continue to wear entire sets on the streets. They also have a specially-designed pyjama sets that resemble stuffed animals called the kigurumi!

3.       The origin of flapjacks
Before the year 1950, pyjamas in the West consisted of a ‘drop seat’ feature which made them pretty convenient to be used in the bathroom. Today, these kinds of pyjamas are known as flapjacks or onesies.

4.       Adults only
It’s quite hard to believe the fact that pyjamas were meant to be adult garments earlier, and children were kept away from them. These footed pyjamas often had sewn socks for added warmth and protection from the insects, especially termites and bedbugs which were prevalent in India. Only later did pyjamas for babies and kids come into the picture!

5.       A favorite for the beach!
Before the 20 th  century, women refrained from wearing pyjamas until Coco Chanel created lounging pyjamas. These became immensely popular, and thereafter, in the 1920s, pyjamas became fashionable as beachwear amongst the rich and famous. Today, pyjamas have become ubiquitous and globally popular. For people looking to purchase sleepwear on the internet, the good news is that a high quality and trendy pyjama set is as easy to find as a cosy cotton nighty online.



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